"It's not about the rig you drive, your experience or your gender, it's just about getting out and doing what you love, learning is the fun part and that comes with fucking up a few times"
Growing up as a female in the 4x4 world seemed totally normal pre social media. Back in a time when there was limited information other than Information guides and Melways, the 4x4 game meant one thing and one thing only, a method to the madness of finding and surviving in some of the most remote off grid places our rigs could take us.

Flash forward 20-30 years and it's an entirely different scene. You find yourself being scrutinised, sometimes directly and other times indirectly about what rig you drive, what experience you have and in my case, what hangs between my legs. Social media has for some reason, become a platform for who's cock is bigger for the most part. However, in recent years, we've seen a massive change in the community, like anything, evolution is always going to happen and I love where it's going. The community seems to be much more open and accepting of all offroaders and education has become a number one priority.

Growing up with a VERY adventurous family. We spent months at a time travelling around Australia. My Dad, had no boundaries on what we could and couldn't do. There were no discussions about offroad and camping being male dominated, it just was what it was. I fucking loved every minute of the experience they gave me. Those experiences also gave me a shit tonne of knowledge when it comes to what you should have when you're heading off for a day, a week or even a month or more. Those lessons have been invaluable.

"Once you make a mistake, you'll never make it again. Just like these experiences, you'll never regret having them, only regretting not doing it."

Driving along open West Coast beaches on my dads lap in his 80 series landcruiser and crossing waterways and creeks up in the North East were experiences my peers were envious of. Pitching the tent and setting up camp roadside along open stretches of the outback in the dark, were the experiences they gasped at. There's memories that you just can't shake, the memories that I'd encourage anyone to take off and grab by the balls. With social media such an amazing source of knowledge and information, offroading has become more accessible, 4x4 communities are popping up at every turn and there's an endless amount of support if you need it.

As we grow older, come some additional challenges to getting off grid and as a female with a host of health issues, these experiences can now cause me a great deal of anxiety. So, like any adaptive adult, I've learnt to own my health issues and be incredibly prepared. Heading off into hour or more long hikes in the red desert shouldn't be intimidating, so, I keep my daily routine in check even when I'm travelling and also make sure my travel companions always know what to look out for. These are things that should not own us or stop us from living our best fucking life.

Bottom line, my major lessons have been to not let anything stop you. There's always going to be someone telling you that you can't, be the person who tells you that you will.Shit is always going to get in the way, it's not about the rig you drive, your experience or your gender, it's just about getting out and doing what you love, learning is the fun part and that comes with fucking up a few times, trust me, once you make a mistake, you'll never make it again. Just like these experiences, you'll never regret having them, only regretting not doing it.
Cara - Tag Along Crew 4x4
At Offmain, we believe that 4WDing and outdoor adventure is for everyone, and getting started should be easy. Founded by a team of female 4WDers and a rookie hiking adventurer, Offmain is a positive and inclusive community for people of all experience levels, from those researching Vehicles, Camping and adventure options - all you need is the love to explore.
Come on an adventure with us 🥳
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Instagram: @offmain.offroad
Email: hello@offmain.com.au